Been A While

Its been a while since I have been back to Louisiana.  The Parish Fair is starting Oct 21st, and we are going to it.  2006 was the last time I went back, and that only to move Mom back, after Katrina. We plan on see the kin folks and go to the fair. Will post photos when we get back.

The fair is real neat, it is free to get in and only cost if you ride the rides and if you buy something to eat.  There are many crafts on display and of course the best cows and pigs. We have the old Miles settlement there, a walk into the past. It consist of the old farm buildings, church, school, and things. There are folks dressed in that period (1800's) to tell you what they are doing and how it was done back then.

Sun Is Shinning

Things are soooo much better.  Yesterday, got up and rode my bike for 15 minutes, really made me feel better.  Broke out in a sweat, but that's a good thing, isn't it? Already been up and to the store for stuff, (milk, veggies, know, stuff)

Going to work on getting my office set zipped and ready for downloading. Will post a link here and in

New Week

Well, things are getting back to normal as much as possible.  Hubby went back to work today and I only have a few more days of meds. Got the energy to clean and wash today. Think that is going to be all for today.


Wow, what a different a day makes.  After starting my meds, feel better. Not coughing as much and the temp has went down. Nearly back to be human again.

Been working with poser, got my first Runtime completed and checked it out in Poser and Daz. Working now. This my office set


The new is official now.  We, My hubby and myself, both have the flu.  Good new is that it is the A type and not the Swine.  So now we are just taking it easy, taking TamaFlu and antibiotics, and lots of hot teas.


Hubby is home for the week. Took him to the docs this morning.  yep, got the flu.  Don't know if it is the swine flu or not, having to wait on test results to tell. Having to work around him right now.  He seems to need alot of sleep.  So, everything is hush and tippie toes so that he can sleep.

Hubby Home

Seems like we are both getting under the weather.  Hubby stayed home today with the sniffles and cough. Sure that it is nothing no more than allergies. We been getting a lot of rain, so all the flowers are blooming and the grass is growing big time. Was outside and even the oak trees are starting to bloom again.

Square One

Things are back to the start for me and Poser. Started doing some tutorials to get a better understanding of the program. Still need to get the textures right on my oil drum.  Getting closer, but just not there yet.  

One of our friends is real sick, We'll be praying for things to get better for her. 


Been outside most of the week and my bronchitis is acting up.  After taking my meds, spent the day and night in bed.  Feeling some what better today, but still get tried just looking at the dishes that needs to be done from last night.

Refreshed from the week end

Didn't do anything this week end. Hubby had 3 days off, so we stayed home and watched the 6th season of NCIS. Just waiting for the new season to start on the 22nd. Joy, Joy, Happy, Happy.

Got most of the shirt done. Just got to sew in the cuffs and put snaps on it, then I can call it a done deal. (do happy dance)

House work

Cleaned the house today using the "FlyLady" method. Did the same last Friday and it does help a bunch. If you would like to look at her site it is:

Don't feel so guilty now about spending so much time on Hexagon.

A Good Day

Got my CPR classes done. One class was so much fun. Everyone enjoyed themselves and was making jokes. When the students really get into the class, they learn so much more and can retain it longer. The second class was okay, for the most part everyone was involved and ready to learn. Just had one that kept reading more into the test questions then was there.

I have stopped working on my hexagon project for right now. I need to get my hard drive cleaned up and organized. Is that even possible???? Sure do hope so, cause it is a mess.

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