Hexagon 2.2

Started using Hexagon 2.2 for 3d modeling. Spent ALL day yesterday trying to make a pair of pants for "Vicky 3" a 3d character. Thing wasn't going too good. Each time I tried to import her into the program, yep, it crashed! Me being the hardheaded person, kept trying 3 more time! After thinking about it (should of thought after the first crash) decided to draw my cube for the pants before importing Vicky. WOW, it worked. Now to the fun part. Drawing the pants, making them fit good. This went quick & easy, had so much fun doing this part.

Time to export the pants back into Poser. Wow, them imported and looked good. Took them into the cloth room to, Yes you guessed it to "clothify" them. Ran the first simulation, and ran they did right off Vicky. Poor thing just stood there with her pants on the floor. Changed the setting a few more times. The pants kinda stayed on. Left leg was pointing to the left with the right leg point towards her head. The front of the pants exploded out in pieces, don't know what happened to the back part. I just sit there with a giant head ache. Time to call it a day. Will try to work on them more Friday.


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