Welcome Back

The flu really hit us hard for the past two weeks.  Just when you think that it is over, here it comes again.  Finally got everyone up and going.  I still have my cough and it make me sound like a dog with dystempa.

Been A While

Its been a while since I have been back to Louisiana.  The Parish Fair is starting Oct 21st, and we are going to it.  2006 was the last time I went back, and that only to move Mom back, after Katrina. We plan on see the kin folks and go to the fair. Will post photos when we get back.

The fair is real neat, it is free to get in and only cost if you ride the rides and if you buy something to eat.  There are many crafts on display and of course the best cows and pigs. We have the old Miles settlement there, a walk into the past. It consist of the old farm buildings, church, school, and things. There are folks dressed in that period (1800's) to tell you what they are doing and how it was done back then.

Sun Is Shinning

Things are soooo much better.  Yesterday, got up and rode my bike for 15 minutes, really made me feel better.  Broke out in a sweat, but that's a good thing, isn't it? Already been up and to the store for stuff, (milk, veggies, soups....you know, stuff)

Going to work on getting my office set zipped and ready for downloading. Will post a link here and in Daz3.com

New Week

Well, things are getting back to normal as much as possible.  Hubby went back to work today and I only have a few more days of meds. Got the energy to clean and wash today. Think that is going to be all for today.


Wow, what a different a day makes.  After starting my meds, feel better. Not coughing as much and the temp has went down. Nearly back to be human again.

Been working with poser, got my first Runtime completed and checked it out in Poser and Daz. Working now. This my office set


The new is official now.  We, My hubby and myself, both have the flu.  Good new is that it is the A type and not the Swine.  So now we are just taking it easy, taking TamaFlu and antibiotics, and lots of hot teas.


Hubby is home for the week. Took him to the docs this morning.  yep, got the flu.  Don't know if it is the swine flu or not, having to wait on test results to tell. Having to work around him right now.  He seems to need alot of sleep.  So, everything is hush and tippie toes so that he can sleep.

Hubby Home

Seems like we are both getting under the weather.  Hubby stayed home today with the sniffles and cough. Sure that it is nothing no more than allergies. We been getting a lot of rain, so all the flowers are blooming and the grass is growing big time. Was outside and even the oak trees are starting to bloom again.

Square One

Things are back to the start for me and Poser. Started doing some tutorials to get a better understanding of the program. Still need to get the textures right on my oil drum.  Getting closer, but just not there yet.  

One of our friends is real sick, We'll be praying for things to get better for her. 


Been outside most of the week and my bronchitis is acting up.  After taking my meds, spent the day and night in bed.  Feeling some what better today, but still get tried just looking at the dishes that needs to be done from last night.

Refreshed from the week end

Didn't do anything this week end. Hubby had 3 days off, so we stayed home and watched the 6th season of NCIS. Just waiting for the new season to start on the 22nd. Joy, Joy, Happy, Happy.

Got most of the shirt done. Just got to sew in the cuffs and put snaps on it, then I can call it a done deal. (do happy dance)

House work

Cleaned the house today using the "FlyLady" method. Did the same last Friday and it does help a bunch. If you would like to look at her site it is: http://www.flylady.net/

Don't feel so guilty now about spending so much time on Hexagon.

A Good Day

Got my CPR classes done. One class was so much fun. Everyone enjoyed themselves and was making jokes. When the students really get into the class, they learn so much more and can retain it longer. The second class was okay, for the most part everyone was involved and ready to learn. Just had one that kept reading more into the test questions then was there.

I have stopped working on my hexagon project for right now. I need to get my hard drive cleaned up and organized. Is that even possible???? Sure do hope so, cause it is a mess.

Last Day of August

Got my oil drum about really for uploading as a freebe. Just got to get the MAT's done.

Got my classes this afternoon, so getting the finishing touches to the paper done.


What date is my CPR classes this month? Well, I had started with Sept 7 & 8, but Sept 7th is a holiday at the hospital. Then I thought that we had changed it to Sept 8 & 9. I was checking the web site for the dates, and I had thought wrong. Just got off the phone with the Education and Lo, my classes are Aug 31 & Sept 1. Joy of all joys, Now I have to get all my stuff together for the classes. Strange was just in the office last Wednesday for my annual eval and no one said anything.

Got my oil drum finished in Hexagon. Rendered it in poser. Looks good if I have to say so myself.


Yes, I have updated the look of my blog. Now have a whole batch of new templates to play with. I would say that things are looking up.

Mid Week

Things are going slow this week. Went into town yesterday to get new tags for the car and bike. While I was there I also mailed off some things.

Got two shirts cut out for hubby, been sewing on them. Now all I need to do now is to get the sleeves in and the buttons on.

Also been modeling a shirt for V3(Daz3). So far have a rough draft made. I plan on adding some details this week, then doing some smoothing and texture work next week. Then will put a pix on line to show it off. Got to get busy as I have CPR classes week after next.

Yea, no rest for the wicked.

Done Deal

Picked the pineapple last night. Was so excited it was ripe I forgot to take a photo before cutting it up. It was SWEET. If you have never eaten a home grown one, you are missing a lot. They are so ripe and sweet you can eat everything, including the core.

This is my lastest model using hexagon. Fan for ventilation shaft.

Wash Day

Finally got the new freezer in and everything moved into it. The old one is on the back porch. Hubby has checked it and the thermostat is good, so it must be the compressor. A friend will look and see if he can replace it without too much money.

Just now getting around to doing my wash for the week. Should have done it Monday, but just couldn't find the time with all the other drama going on.

Back Again

The last two weeks have been every busy for us.

Last week of July we went to our 3 day convention. That was so enjoyable. Had soo much info about family life. Had a drama so update and for everyone, not just the young ones.

First week of August our freezer died. Yep, always seems to happen after you had brought the next two months worth of food. At 8 Pm no one was open, but Home Depot & Lowes. Finally got one but it couldn't be delivered till Tuesday. So Sunday & Monday I was resetting the compressor every few hours to get it to run. So glad the new is here and everything has be put into it.

Still working on Hexagon. Got a few rocks made and some flowers. Still have some problems with the UV mapping.

Water Water Everywhere

Got up Saturday morning to turn on the coffee pot and got a big surprise. As I walked into the living room my feet come in contact with WATER! Screamed for my husband to come help. Half the rug was sopping wet. Looked into the kitchen and there was even more water. The back porch had about 1 to 1 1/2 inches of water. As we pushed the water out of the house onto the porch hubby looked under the sink where we had a small hot water heater for the dishes. It had cracked so out it went.

Our computer room had water in it. We moved everything and got all the rugs out on the fence to dry. Me being me just had to wash them while they were out there. Made sense to me at the time, hubby didn't think so. He had some wood that he cut it to fit the bottom of my cabinet, as it was the only thing damaged. We have pool decking on all the floors here and steel studs in the wall. The dry wall was up off the floor, so it didn't get damaged.

Hexagon 2.2

Started using Hexagon 2.2 for 3d modeling. Spent ALL day yesterday trying to make a pair of pants for "Vicky 3" a 3d character. Thing wasn't going too good. Each time I tried to import her into the program, yep, it crashed! Me being the hardheaded person, kept trying 3 more time! After thinking about it (should of thought after the first crash) decided to draw my cube for the pants before importing Vicky. WOW, it worked. Now to the fun part. Drawing the pants, making them fit good. This went quick & easy, had so much fun doing this part.

Time to export the pants back into Poser. Wow, them imported and looked good. Took them into the cloth room to, Yes you guessed it to "clothify" them. Ran the first simulation, and ran they did right off Vicky. Poor thing just stood there with her pants on the floor. Changed the setting a few more times. The pants kinda stayed on. Left leg was pointing to the left with the right leg point towards her head. The front of the pants exploded out in pieces, don't know what happened to the back part. I just sit there with a giant head ache. Time to call it a day. Will try to work on them more Friday.

New Month

Been quite a while since my last post. I have starting learning "Blender" for making 3d models. So far I have made a hand and a yellow submarine. Neat. The Sub is even animated.

Still waiting to eat the pineapple. It is just now beginning to ripen.

It's Spring Time

Well, after much redirection, I finally got someone on the phone to tell me when to water the yard. Went though the "health dept.", Country commissioners, got to the soil & water management. I can now safety water on Wednesdays. Got new muscadines vines that I want to put out, but they will need some watering. The garden this year is only going to be in planters, and then only some tomatoes, peppers, etc . We have way too much sand to try to grow stuff in the soil.

Got to add this in - got a pineapple growing, it should be ready to eat in a few months.

I'm Soooo Bad

Been a while since I last checked in and wrote anything.

Had a nasty time with hubby's medical tests and reviews. But that is now clear and he is back to work. Had to take off 10 days for that and then we left the day after, being medical cleared, to go north for the wedding.

Daughter's wedding went of beautifully, even if the weather was cold and wet in South Carolina. She had oodles of friends from Ohio to come down, so the house was jumping with folks.


Thing have been chotiac here. Had to take hubby to the ER, thought he was having a tia but the ekg was good. After doing a ct found a "dark" spot on his skull. Could be from an old accident. Been going to doc appts and testing, still got a bone scan to do.

Winters End

It is now spring. we have one more cold spell coming this week and that should be it till about Oct/Nov. Now the heat will be topic of choice now. Good thing we got the pool ready last week end for swimming. Feel we are going to need it real bad this year.

Shirts and quilts

Yesterday, I got my sewing room clean and fixed up. Been cleaning the house so all the extra "stuff" went into the sewing room. Started sewing yesterday, but had to keep moving things to get to what I need/wanted. Feel a lot better now that it is put back the way it should be. Got my hubby's shirt cut out along with a hat band and neck tie. Taking the last row out of my daughters quilt and will resew it and put it back in.

Found a neat site call "Pandora Radio" it is free and will let you listen to music you select. If you are interested the url is


PhotoImpact Transparent Overlay/Tiles

Things are really looking up now. Left the windows open all yesterday and last night. Have a little bit of fog this morning, but that should burn off soon.

Been working with PhotoImpact trying to make an overlay/tile that is transparent in areas. Each time I go to save it the transparent parts become a solid white. I did make an overlay that had the same back ground color as I wanted and it tiled nicely, but I was hoping to be able to make it so that I could recolor as needed. The way I am thing about now is make it in gray tones, then recolor as needed and cut/delete some parts to make the show though. Got to try and will let Ya'll know hows it turn out.

This is how it turned out. If you would like to see more visit my web page at: http://www.geocities.com/tapeape2002/

New Week

With my daughter getting married soon (March) I really need to complete the quilt that I had started for her. Got most of the top sewn together, next step will be to get the backing and battening placed so I can start the quilting. After that put the binding on and its a done deal.

It had finally warmed up here. Yesterday we got the pool ready for the spring. The water was at 60 degrees just 10 degrees more and I'll be swimming. Most of my plants survived the cold, got to wait and see about the Confederate Rose and the Ficus. My fig trees are doing good and the pineapple just got a little burned on the tips.

tempus fruget

Things have gotten chaotic around here lately. Got a wedding to go to. My daughter in S.C. is getting married in March. Knew that they was planning on it, just didn't know when. They moved into a bigger house and really enjoy it now.

I have been beset by the cold. My poor nose is so red and sore from all blowing and wiping. Waiting on the weather to warm up now, the yard looks like someones laundry basket blew up. Sheets & blankets over all my plants.

Community Taxi

Wow, time has flown for me. Got a call Tuesday night, will be going to Orlando to pick up some friends at the airport. They are coming in from England to spend a month or so here. Yes, Florida is a lot warmer then where they live in London. Hubby will drive up and I will talk all the way up (2 hrs 1 way). Yep, seems at times that we are the community taxi, just enjoy going.

Still haven't got the photos downloaded from Miami. Things have been very busy here. Gave a talk on the school last night. It lasted 4 min & 54 sec. Great timing as I only had 5 min to talk. Talked about how the Bible is a letter from God, wonderful topic.

The Trip

Things got off to a rocky start Saturday. Went hunting for the cell phone to take with us to Miami, and yup couldn't find it. After tearing the house and the car apart, we just had to leave and take DH's phone. The ride down Hwy 27 was nice, the sun was coming up as a big red ball and the white fog was just starting to rise up off the lake and swamps.

There again things got dicey as we hit I-95. DH wanted to go south, but I told him that we needed to go north and much ado He went North. He still wanted to get off and turn around cause we didn't see our exit, he held on and the next exit sign showed our exit. Now we was to call the kin folk as we got into Miami, but yep, forgot the number.

Went to the motel that they was staying at and ask for them. The clerk called but it was check out time and no answer. As she went to check the room, found them in the parking lot loading up. Whew!. After eating breakfast, to the water taxi to sight see. What was to be a short walk ended up as a 3 mile hike. Saw the homes of the "rich & famous". Also got to see some of the yachts. I was pointing out one of the cruise ships and said "Now that's a big boat!", everyone was quick to tell me "That's not a boat, that's a ship!". Big deal, it on the water that makes it a boat in my book.

Instead of walking back, we stop at a cafe to eat. Had them call us a taxi to get back to the motel. Getting 5 (large) grow-ups in the cab was a sight to behold. Made for a good laugh for everyone, the driver included. Even the birds went quite as we poured out the cab into the parking lot of the motel. After hugs and good byes we all left. Kin folks for the airport and us back here. Will post some photos after I have downloaded them for the camera.


Going to Miami to see kin folk that came in to see the football game last night. Too bad they are from OK. The Gators won!! So think they will be in for some teasing. Still haven't gotten to finishing the shirts for my husband. But I did complete some grocery bags I was making. Yep, trying to go green.

We are on a waiting list for solar panels (18 months). Have a big back yard with nothing in it so we hope to put in enough panels to power the house during the day. The system will be a grid-tried system, so at night when there's no sunlight, we will draw from the grid. During the day what we don't use will be fed back to the power company and hopefully at the end of the year we will break even on the bill.

Thursday's report

This week-end we are taking a friend to Miami to visit with some kin folks. The weather is suppose to be nice, low 70's and clear. Will most likely go to Morikami Gardens.

This is a photo we took last year at the gardens. So peaceful there. They have several styles/time periods of Japanese gardens.

Not much happening today. I am working on the talk I have for the Theocratic School next week, the topic is "A Letter From a Loving God". Guess I do things backward. I like to get all the info on the subject that I can, then I work on the setting. This seems to give me more choices as to how I can present the talk.

A New Start

As the new year started like everyone else, big changes need to take place. This year (just like other years) I want to lose weight. Thinking that about 4-5 pounds a month would be a good start. I have joined an online diet group (Sparkpeople.com) and with the new bootcamp I will make process in this one area.

I make my husband's work shirt and now have 4 in the sewing room to complete. I hope to be able to complete 1 a week. I have two quilts that need to be completed also. Why do I bury myself under all these deadlines?

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