Winters End

It is now spring. we have one more cold spell coming this week and that should be it till about Oct/Nov. Now the heat will be topic of choice now. Good thing we got the pool ready last week end for swimming. Feel we are going to need it real bad this year.

Shirts and quilts

Yesterday, I got my sewing room clean and fixed up. Been cleaning the house so all the extra "stuff" went into the sewing room. Started sewing yesterday, but had to keep moving things to get to what I need/wanted. Feel a lot better now that it is put back the way it should be. Got my hubby's shirt cut out along with a hat band and neck tie. Taking the last row out of my daughters quilt and will resew it and put it back in.

Found a neat site call "Pandora Radio" it is free and will let you listen to music you select. If you are interested the url is

PhotoImpact Transparent Overlay/Tiles

Things are really looking up now. Left the windows open all yesterday and last night. Have a little bit of fog this morning, but that should burn off soon.

Been working with PhotoImpact trying to make an overlay/tile that is transparent in areas. Each time I go to save it the transparent parts become a solid white. I did make an overlay that had the same back ground color as I wanted and it tiled nicely, but I was hoping to be able to make it so that I could recolor as needed. The way I am thing about now is make it in gray tones, then recolor as needed and cut/delete some parts to make the show though. Got to try and will let Ya'll know hows it turn out.

This is how it turned out. If you would like to see more visit my web page at:

New Week

With my daughter getting married soon (March) I really need to complete the quilt that I had started for her. Got most of the top sewn together, next step will be to get the backing and battening placed so I can start the quilting. After that put the binding on and its a done deal.

It had finally warmed up here. Yesterday we got the pool ready for the spring. The water was at 60 degrees just 10 degrees more and I'll be swimming. Most of my plants survived the cold, got to wait and see about the Confederate Rose and the Ficus. My fig trees are doing good and the pineapple just got a little burned on the tips.

tempus fruget

Things have gotten chaotic around here lately. Got a wedding to go to. My daughter in S.C. is getting married in March. Knew that they was planning on it, just didn't know when. They moved into a bigger house and really enjoy it now.

I have been beset by the cold. My poor nose is so red and sore from all blowing and wiping. Waiting on the weather to warm up now, the yard looks like someones laundry basket blew up. Sheets & blankets over all my plants.

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