It's Spring Time

Well, after much redirection, I finally got someone on the phone to tell me when to water the yard. Went though the "health dept.", Country commissioners, got to the soil & water management. I can now safety water on Wednesdays. Got new muscadines vines that I want to put out, but they will need some watering. The garden this year is only going to be in planters, and then only some tomatoes, peppers, etc . We have way too much sand to try to grow stuff in the soil.

Got to add this in - got a pineapple growing, it should be ready to eat in a few months.

I'm Soooo Bad

Been a while since I last checked in and wrote anything.

Had a nasty time with hubby's medical tests and reviews. But that is now clear and he is back to work. Had to take off 10 days for that and then we left the day after, being medical cleared, to go north for the wedding.

Daughter's wedding went of beautifully, even if the weather was cold and wet in South Carolina. She had oodles of friends from Ohio to come down, so the house was jumping with folks.


Thing have been chotiac here. Had to take hubby to the ER, thought he was having a tia but the ekg was good. After doing a ct found a "dark" spot on his skull. Could be from an old accident. Been going to doc appts and testing, still got a bone scan to do.

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